As the failed Mayor of Manchester, Joyce Craig overrode the tax cap to increase property taxes. Craig and Rusty Talbot love higher taxes and won’t hesitate to implement an Income Tax on Granite Staters. Democrats in Concord voted for the income tax on interest and dividends. Rusty Talbot has not taken the pledge to oppose an income tax and will work with Joyce Craig to implement the income tax on interest and dividends.
Failed Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig overrode the Manchester Tax Cap and proposed a city-wide sales tax in Manchester. Rusty Talbot did not pledge to oppose an income or sales tax. If Joyce Craig becomes Governor she will force us into a statewide sales tax and her ally Rusty Talbot will support her all the way.
NH Democrats like Rusty Talbot oppose securing the northern border and support dangerous sanctuary city policies — creating a magnet for illegal aliens. These policies will lead to higher crime and more drugs coming into our communities and massive impact on taxpayers. The cost in Massachusetts of this policy is over a billion dollars and counting.
Democrats in Concord believe illegal aliens should have driver's licenses which creates more incentives for illegals to come to N.H. and may even enable them to vote.
Failed Mayor Joyce Craig turned Manchester from a prosperous and safe city, into a hub for violent crime, homelessness and drug abuse. Rusty Talbot will bring the vision of “Craigville” to the rest of the state, turning the Granite State into a refuge for violent criminals and homelessness
Rusty Talbot’s policies of more business regulation and higher business taxes will drive up the cost of goods and services.
Purchasing a home or renting an apartment will be more expensive under Joyce Craig and Rusty Talbot. Rusty Talbot will increase unnecessary red tape and regulations, impose a “green energy tax,” and slow construction of much-needed affordable housing options.
Leading NH Democrats support a New Hampshire Green New Deal driving up energy, transportation, and housing costs.